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House of Greek

1200 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa , Ontario K2C 3Y4


Food Restaurant

1200 Prince of Wales Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario
K2C 3Y4

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+1 613-521-0800

Opening hours Closed now

Today: 12:00 pm — 10:00 pm

12:00 pm — 10:00 pm

Ratings & Reviews

(4 / 5) based on 2 reviews

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  • Excellent food. cozy and clean. excellent prices
    By Michel Daw, June 20, 2017
  • My household is fond of this place and I'll tell you why. We get incredibly friendly service, we enjoy the food and it's a nice diversion from the junk people often choose to have when they're in a rush or just don't feel like cooking. I should say that I am not a foody and certainly not a specialist in Greek cuisine. I can say though that if you are looking for a fine Greek dining experience this may not be the place. It's a takeout/delivery place that happens to have a few tables. It's also a quaint Mom and Pop local business where we've always felt welcome, well served and we'll fed! Opa!
    By Dug Rotar, July 11, 2016
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About House of Greek in Ottawa

House of Greek is a food and restaurant in Ottawa, Ontario. House of Greek is located at 1200 Prince of Wales Drive.

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